Find out how to establish a restaurant culture that attracts and retains great team members, leading to happier customers.

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Give An Ovation is the podcast where we interview restaurant owners, operators, and experts, to get their strategies and tactics so that you can deliver a 5-star guest experience. Available on all major podcasting sites.

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Michel Falcon is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, creator of a successful hospitality company, and is currently building Brasa Peruvian Kitchen. His expertise is in restaurants, customer experience management, company culture, employee engagement, and career development (#SteerYourCareer).

Here’s one of our highlights from this episode and Sun’s answers to some of our questions:

Featured takeaway: 3 P’s of success

Figure out your purpose and streamline your processes, all while making a profit. Michel describes himself as the “right kind of capitalist” – one who is focused on making a profit, but doesn’t need to step on others to do so.

What is the most important aspect of the guest experience nowadays? (13:30)

“My recommendation, regardless of what you sell, whether you’re a mechanic, accountant or restaurateur, is to have a very clear understanding that not everyone defines a great customer experience the same way.”

What successful things have you seen or tried lately? (21:30)

“You have to be surgical with your costs. One of the things that you have to ask is, do you really need that thing on your menu, that item that you think your customers love? Would they really be repelled and if you took it off the menu?”

For more from Michel, check out!

Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out the whole episode, as well as other interviews with restaurant gurus by checking out “Give an Ovation: A Podcast For Restaurants” on or your favorite place to listen to podcasts.

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