Find out how restaurants are navigating the online scene with director of virtual brands at Dickey’s BBQ
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The Off-Premise Restaurant
by Restaurant Experts
Gage Anderle is a director of virtual brands at Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc., a family owned restaurant franchise. His experience in brand management, sales growth, strategic planning, and more has enabled Gage to take brands from brick and mortar to 100+ ghost kitchen operations. Tune in to hear what Gage has been cooking up in the virtual scene and where he plans to take this industry.
Here’s one of our highlights from this episode and Gage’s answers to some of our questions:
Featured Takeaway: Winning the digital scene
“It’s not just about having a quality product, it’s about being able to meet the customer’s needs when they’re in the store. With this whole age of digital, being able to meet customers in that digital sphere is huge
…building these really sexy brands as being able to meet where that customer where they are feels like digitally, a win.”
The most important aspect of the guest experience nowadays (12:50)
“The excellence perspective of what the consumer expects from food quality, cleanliness of the restaurant, I think those are really key factors. Restaurants need to meet these expectations.”
Something successful you’ve seen or tried lately? (14:42)
Multi unit operators
“I’m a big fan of being able to have multiple brands from one kitchen and I think a lot of it comes down to a consumer education standpoint.”
Who is someone in the industry that deserves an Ovation? (16:58)
CEO of Dickey’s BBQ Restaurants, Roland Dickey Jr.
For more, go check out Gage Anderle and Dickey’s BBQ Restaurants on LinkedIn!
Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out the whole episode, as well as other interviews with restaurant gurus by checking out “Give an Ovation: A Podcast For Restaurants” on or your favorite place to listen to podcasts.