Find out how they used Ovation to shock customers with their responsive feedback in only a few months.

The problem
Euripides Pelekanos had tried long surveys. As CEO of Bareburger, a 30+ location kitchen and bar based on the east coast, he wanted to keep a pulse on what was happening in his locations.
Unfortunately, he found that nobody wanted to take long surveys. They felt like a quiz, and those who did take them didn’t represent his average guest.
He had also been trying to deal with feedback over email, which “just didn’t work.” It was slow and had low response rates.
So he felt a little stuck – he couldn’t physically be in 30 locations at once, but the feedback methods he was using didn’t give him a sense of what was going on digitally either.

“Ovation is hands down one of the best tech platforms we’ve signed up for.”
The solution
Euripides made the switch to short, 2-question surveys. These were more casual and got straight to the heart of the issue by simply asking, “How was your experience?”
He used QR codes on receipts to send dine-in guests to the survey, bag stuffers to send 3rd party guests (Grubhub) to the survey, and also used Ovation to integrate with his 1st party (Lunchbox) orders. Critically, guests who ordered online would now be sent a text, instead of an email, that linked to the survey and opened up a channel of communication between them and management.
Euripides also used his direct line of communication with 3rd party guests to encourage them to order through him next time.
After taking the survey, happy guests were asked to leave 5-star public reviews, and unhappy guests’ concerns were resolved privately.

The results
Bareburger saw their survey volume skyrocket to thousands of surveys a month due to it being easy for guests to find and take the survey. Euripides also attracted more guests as his average online rating jumped by .6 stars.
Most importantly, Euripides now felt that he could connect with each guest, and wow them with his responses to their feedback. “Guests have been shocked” finding out that the CEO of the restaurant they just visited has personally apologized for a mistake and invited them to come back with a discount.
Bareburger entered into a new era of digital hospitality.