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Five industry secrets on marketing, social media, and more from the CEO of FoodFest Live.

Give An Ovation is the podcast where we interview restaurant owners, operators, and experts, to get their strategies and tactics so that you can deliver a 5-star guest experience. Available on all major podcasting sites.

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Kevin Seo is the CEO/Co-founder of FoodFest Live, a pandemic-born digital events and media company that helps restaurants thrive. Kevin brought energy, insight, and his absolutely contagious laugh to this episode where he and Zack discuss restaurant social media, data, and what marketing looks like today.

And no, unfortunately this episode doesn’t touch on Search Engine Optimization for those wondering…

Here are a few of Kevin’s points:

1. Social Media Is Not A Billboard

Kevin said the biggest mistake he sees restaurants make on social media is creating the same type of content that they would for something public and outdoors. “That’s just not enough”, said Kevin, “it’s kind of like a waste of space. Since you have the technology, since you have the media, why aren’t we using to create other things?” In the end, social media should be the start of a lead-conversion funnel.

2. Use Visuals

It’s surprisingly effective to show people eating your food. The more you can add, the better: Slow-mo, the chewing noises, and bright saturated colors really wet the appetite. And you don’t need a professional film crew. Smart phone cameras have advanced far enough to get the job done.

3. Walk-In Traffic Is Down

With on-premise dining down to 10% is some locations, what can restaurants do to stay afloat? It’s all about “hype marketing” and utilizing marketing budgets to the fullest, says Kevin. He suggests using pictures on your menu, using 3rd party platforms, and telling your story online. “At the end of the day, marketing today is storytelling.”

4. Make Sure Data Is Clear And Actionable

We all know the importance of data, but unless you can easily understand the data and act on it, it’s pointless. Therefore, Kevin recommends getting a thorough demo on any tech you are considering to help with data to evaluate if it’s easy to use and gives you next steps.

5. Be Open To Change

Kevin lauded restaurateurs for their toughness and adaptability, things they used before COVID-19 ever hit. Keep up the innovations and bringing us that delicious food!

For more from Kevin, you can find him on Instagram or LinkedIn!

Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out the whole episode, as well as other interviews with restaurant gurus by checking out “Give an Ovation: A Podcast For Restaurants” on or your favorite place to listen to podcasts.

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