Learn how to identify and capitalize on industry trends with the Editorial Director at Informa.

Ever wondered about the inner workings of the restaurant industry? Sam Oches is an award-winning editorial director of Informa’s Restaurant and Food Group. Sam Oches has had his eye on the industry for quite some time and has developed an eye for exploring the factors shaping this dynamic landscape.
What is your outlook on the future of the restaurant industry?
“I’m feeling a lot better than I was feeling two years ago . . .
. . . We’re in an era where it’s not perfect, there’re still a lot of challenges, but I love the optimism and the potential. When I go to restaurant conferences, I don’t have to talk about cleanliness and food safety, though they are very important, but we’re now talking about potential in technology and in service models. I’ll broadly say that I feel very positive about the industry these days.”
What is the most important aspect of the guest experience?
“The impression of value. Once upon a time, value explicitly referred to price or the biggest bang for your buck . . .
. . . Now it’s much more about the restaurants ability to empower me in my experience.”
Who in the restaurant industry deserves an Ovation?
“I love their commitment to excellence and how they keep even the busiest locations running smoothly.”
Jersey Mikes
“They’re a people program. They’re very authentic, true, and they provide for their people.”
Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out the whole episode, as well as other interviews with restaurant gurus by checking out “Give an Ovation: A Podcast For Restaurants” on ovationup.com/podcast or your favorite place to listen to podcasts.